Ten parallel sessions were held on the first day of the two-day meeting of Think-20 under G-20 in Bhopal. In these sessions, there was an in-depth discussion on various contemporary issues, challenges and economy among ministers of G-20 countries, special guest countries, subject-experts and intellectuals from different fields.
Parallel Session – Institutional Framework for Life
In the session, Dr. Fabio Veras Soares, Researcher of the Institute for Applied Economic Research, Brazil, said to adopt a lifestyle keeping in mind the policy of a balanced life. Along with the use of technology, social security should also be kept in mind.
Associate Professor RIS New Delhi Dr. Sabyasachi Saha said that finance and technology can be shared for global consensus. Alternative attitudes towards life and technology should be monitored. This is the Global Governance Challenge. He said that the lifestyle and health of the people have been badly affected due to climate change. Professor of Management Purdue University USA Dr. Alok Chaturvedi said that the fundamental laws of thermodynamics can also be linked to lifestyle. Develop the economy according to nature and make it accessible to every person. Create an environment that balances health and overall sustainability of lifestyle. Executive Director Support Bhopal Dr. Yogesh Kumar said that major areas of action should be identified. Local resources should be developed. Director Institute of Public Enterprises Hyderabad Prof. Ramkumar Mishra said to return to ancient literature to improve the lifestyle. Keep moral values at the top for a better lifestyle.
ethics in technology
Chairing the session, Dr. Bhaskar Balakrishnan, Science Diplomacy Fellow, RIS said that technology in itself is a practical approach. Plastic waste management is a challenge globally. Funding will be prioritized based on issues and challenges in the ethics of technology. Director STEPRI Ghana Dr. George Isegbe said that technology should be used ethically for healthcare. It is necessary to identify technology-based ethics for the SDG goals.
Director Center for Professional Ethics UK, Prof. Doris Srodl said that inappropriate use of technology should be banned. He also highlighted the issue of solar energy usage and privacy.
Former Deputy Director General ICMR Trivandrum Dr. Nandini K. Kumar said that solutions to health problems have to be found through technology. Improvements can be made with the use of ancient techniques and medicines. Prof. of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Roorkee. D.K. Nouriyal said that there is no universal framework for technology and ethics. Android technology will eliminate technology based monopoly like Google.
‘Investing in Children: Investing in the Future’
Chairing the session, Dr. Fehmida Khatoon, Executive Director, Center for Policy Dialogue Bangladesh, said that investing in children is one of the neglected areas. He said that investment in children is actually investment in the future. Vice Chairman Institute of Development Studies Jaipur Prof. Pinaki Chakraborty said that in the context of an uncertain economy in the post-Covid world, child safety needs special attention. Investments should be linked to results. Regional Advisor for Social Policy UNICEF Ms. Jessica Ons said that there has been an increase in cases of anxiety among children. The need of the hour is to develop investment mindset in children. Advisor V.V. Giri National Labor Institute Noida Mrs. Pragna Parande said that parents, Society and the state are investors and children are investors. He said that it is not only the responsibility of the mother to take care of the children. Chief Social and Economic Policy Analyst UNICEF Italy Mr. Dominic Richardson said that child development planning cannot be social development. Senior Associate Development Pathways UK Ms. Alexandra Bartenz said that human rights for children should be considered. There is a need for a new model of development for social security. Dr. David said that attention should be paid to small children. Ms. Alexandra Bartenz said that human rights for children should be considered. There is a need for a new model of development for social security. Dr. David said that attention should be paid to small children. Ms. Alexandra Bartenz said that human rights for children should be considered. There is a need for a new model of development for social security. Dr. David said that attention should be paid to small children.
Women and Youth Led Development
While presiding over the session, National Co-ordinator Self Employed Women’s Association India Ms. Renana Jhabwala gave information about women and youth leadership development. Research Fellow University of Oxford Dr Laura Beswich said the focus would be on funding for women at the national level. Center for Women’s Studies and Development Panjab University, Chandigarh Dr. Pam Rajput said that women are not only job seekers, but they are also job providers. Executive Director at National Campaign for Sustainable Development Nepal Mr. Daya Sagar Shrestha said that access to quality education is essential for the youth. There should be meaningful participation of youth in the governance and development process. Assistant Professor Department of Women’s Studies Gauhati University Dr. Polly Vaculein said that women empowerment is not only economic empowerment but also social empowerment. There is a need to prepare the entire structure of development afresh. Assistant Professor RIS New Delhi Dr. Veena Pandey said that currently less than 40 percent of women in G-20 countries have access to a bank account.
Financing Resilient Cities and Societies
Director Development Economics and Indicators Division ADB New Delhi Dr. Rana Hasan said that capital cities are not playing the role of economic growth engines. Cities have to increase their resources. Professor NIUA New Delhi Dr. Devoleena Kundu said that investment in small and medium cities should be increased through instruments like pool financing. Dr. Jyoti Chandirmani, Director Symbiosis School of Economics Pune said that our cities use past data while planning for the future, this needs to change. South Asian Institute for Advanced Research and Development Dr. Vishwajit Roy Chowdhary said that resources should be utilized along with resource mobilization. Policy Specialist Climate Risk UNDP USA Mr. Rajeev Issar said that Global Urban Resilience Fund can be created through Indian G-20 Presidency.
‘Green Energy and Logistics’
Logistics Specialist Consultant ADB New Delhi Shri Pritam Banerjee explained about the secure digital transformation of documents. Associate Professor RIS New Delhi Shri Priyadarshi Das said that financial investors have to be encouraged on the issues of self funding. Senior Adviser, Directorate for Development Cooperation, OECD Paris, Dr. Ralph Schwartz, said that the mindset and climate change belong to the future generation. Associate Professor School of Energy Sciences and Engineering IIT Guwahati said that eco tourism model is present in India. It needs to be taken further.
‘Economic System Transformation’
Professor Department of Economics University of Dhaka Bangladesh Dr. Selim Rehan said that there is a serious lack of human capital and skills. The changes have to be green and sustainable. Mr. Hiral Savatian and Mr. George Murela highlighted the issues of economic systems and development. Farmer Director School of Economics DAV Indore Dr. Kavadia said that there is a need for change in SDG. Developed countries have decreased from 53 to 39 in trade openness. Institute of International Relations Pontifical Catholic University Brazil Prof. Paulo Stebbs said that global public goods have fallen off our agenda. Quantitative Economist South Africa Mr. Lukovi Seke elaborated on the major cycles of the Industrial Revolution elements. In the session on ‘Industrial Transformation’, various subject experts threw light on important facts.
‘One Health, Wellness and Traditional Medicine’
President NIPO Kochi Prof. T.C. James said that this session is not just an academic discussion, but will pave the way for the future of the G-20 countries. Antimicrobial resistance is an important issue for the G-20 and T-20 agenda. Researcher Global Health Policy and Bioethics Bhopal Dr. Anant Bhan said that cooperative mechanism is needed for data sharing and transparency. Genetic diseases are increasing due to more human animal contact. Dr. Bhawna Parashar of CSIR-IGIB New Delhi said that there is a need for a unified framework for the integration of medicine. Ayurveda medicine has homeostatic retention capability. Assistant Director Meghalaya Administrative Training Institute Shillong Ms. Ibrin Varjari said that there is a need to develop the catchment areas of protected plants for medicine. Vice President PFHI India Dr. Preeti Kumar said that social determinants are important to address public health issues. India is a pioneer in one health concept. Principal Government Ayurvedic Medical College Bhopal Dr. Umesh Shukla said that the role of nature is important in the prevention and treatment of diseases.
‘Going Beyond GDP: Measuring Wellbeing’
Presiding over the session, Member Core Team GDKP India Ashish Kumar said that Wellbeing measurement is more important than GDP. The session was opened by Deputy Director OECD Development Center Paris Mr. Federico Bonanglia, Visiting Professor and Senior Advisor Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai Prof. Sita Prabhu, Former Professor Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research Mumbai Prof. MH Suryanarayana, Professor School of Economics DAV Indore Dr. Kanhaiya Ahuja and Farmer Professor of Sociology University of Hyderabad Dr. E. Haribabu also gave important suggestions.